Sunday, August 22, 2004

I often thought about a posture of photographer, How? He is a our photogroup member ,this afternoon we were together in front the Pacific Ocean ,there had some big spoondrift , but I saw him always stood on the sea near deep area ,What he did ,Just took and took .......this is quite hot on summer ,maybe he would got some felt and ideal ,but I was to observe a intersting posture ,and took one of that ..........Aug2004 Posted by Hello

Friday, August 20, 2004

Charles and Catherine ,They are interesting friend in my photogroup ,I thought the composition to respond to both of timing and countenance ,I'm thinking to hold in photography that was what I did............  Posted by Hello

Saturday, August 14, 2004

The sketch was drawn by me ,when I was 21 years old ,I worked for NAVY ,those times had stoped to think all about young life , I always thought if some day war being ,how could I doing for ,The sunset at xin-zhu ,I don't quite sure where the seaboard exactly , but I always remember that red sky and big sun from the extremity of sea ,........ Posted by Hello

Friday, August 13, 2004

This early morning was in 1994, and I thought landscap should be naturally to resemble the time.......  Posted by Hello

Thursday, August 12, 2004

He is a colleague of NAVY ,We were always work together...  Posted by Hello

When I was a young man.........always went around Taiwan.........miss of LIFE Posted by Hello