Saturday, July 31, 2004

The picture took in afternoon ,when I rode my moto went to the Eslite book store , I waited traffic lights about one min time , I sew a telephone booth to reflect sky ,maybe you know that Taiwan just a small island ,especilly liveing in Taipei always feeling narrow ,Between buliding and building are too nearst ,so I'd like to face upward ,A men got the a telephone transmitter was calling to someone ,there is a Taipei afternoon ,Hot and crowded ,the world look like some diffently,Colour was evaporating.....2003/July Posted by Hello

Thursday, July 29, 2004

then When I went on the top , I sew a girl to ran down the pathway ,there had a bicycly whom left by her friend ....and this was a wonderful time at twilight. Posted by Hello

That were my friend to stroll on the pathway around North mountain of Taiwan .... Posted by Hello

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

The color picture was taken from my office window ,When I sew this color that feel so spirited on my mind .....I thought throught over sky from the building ,Between the city and a natural landscape Posted by Hello

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

There are a couple of children on the house roof. This is a mountain chain of North Taiwan, and I was with a friend of mine there. He is a teacher at the this mountain school where has a lot of Taiwan aborigines . You look at these picture children. They are aborigines , very cute , and look diffrent from city children , I like them so I trid to took them on my film..... Posted by Hello

Sunday, July 25, 2004

le le lei ca .....expensive more than any camera.....TOOK on my desk Posted by Hello

Saturday, July 24, 2004

There is a Taipei residential area of street in morning.. Posted by Hello

A typical character of Taiwan young man ,also He is a very professional freelance photographer ...... Posted by Hello

This is a beautiful morning !! Posted by Hello

Friday, July 23, 2004

There have me and a couple of photo friend.... Posted by Hello

Thursday, July 22, 2004

On last weekend ,I did some job about my friend got married ,when I came to the hotel,Is saw a beutiful sky ,this afternoon ,blue and light throught from bread shop , I like this feel...  Posted by Hello

In this night ,i went to see my DR,when I got on BUS ,The child is in fornt of me ,even I want to let seat ,my foot was hurt ...soso onThis but my mind is very strange.... Posted by Hello

a hand of picture Posted by Hello